The Management Board of Invalda privatus kapitalas AB approved the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting to be held on April 30, 2014: 

1. Auditor’s report.

There is no voting on this issue of agenda. It is propose to get acquainted with Company’s auditor’s report.

2. Company’s annual report for 2013.
There is no voting on this issue of agenda. It is propose to get acquainted with Company’s annual report for 2013.

3. Approval of Company's financial statements for 2013.
Draft resolution:

3. To approve Company's financial statements for 2013.

4. Distribution of Company's profit (loss) of 2013. 

Draft resolution:

4. To approve distribution of Company's profit (loss) of 2013:

  Thousand litas
1) Retained earnings (loss) at the end of the last financial year 77 579
2) Net profit (loss) for the financial year 26 123
3) Profit (loss) not recognized in the income statement of the reporting financial year 0
4) Transfers from reserves 0
5) Shareholders contributions to cover loss 0
6) Distributable profit (loss) in total 103 702
7) Profit transfers to the legal reserves 0
8) Profit transfers to the reserves for own shares acquisition 0
9) Profit transfers to other reserves 0
10) Profit to be paid as dividends 0
11) Profit to be paid as annual payments (bonus) to Management Board members, employees and for other purposes 0
12) Retained earnings (loss) at the end of the financial year carried forward to the next financial year 103 702

Enclosed: The General Voting Bulletin

The person authorized to provide additional information:

Dalius Kaziunas
Tel. +370 618 44 001